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Workers' Guide to Hand Signals for Directing Vehicles | A Program Development Guideline

The purpose of this guide is to outline and encourage a standard set of directional signals for guiding vehicles at worksites. Standard directional signals across the industry improve communication between drivers and guides and reduce the risk of vehicle related incidents. The goal is to prevent accidents and injuries that could occur due to blind spots and undetected movement of personnel and equipment.
May 1, 2018

Other Reference Information

Energy Safety Canada has the following resources available for free download:

Developer: Energy Safety Canada

Sponsor Organization: CAODC

Current Status: Version 2.1 was approved in April 2014 and rebranded to Energy Safety Canada in May 2018

Other Information: Formerly published as IRP12 Hand Signals for Directing Vehicles

Reason for Change from an Industry Recommended Practice to a Workers Guide:

In 2011, the Drilling and Completions Committee (DACC) asked Energy Safety Canada to withdraw all non-technical Industry Recommended Practices, and re-publish these as Energy Safety Canada “Guideline” documents, as required.

In 2011, Energy Safety Canada began the process to withdraw IRP12 Hand Signals for Directing Vehicles from publication.  The withdrawal process required Energy Safety Canada to survey the industry and solicit feedback on the document.  The feedback from Industry directed Energy Safety Canada to revise and retain the document.

Energy Safety Canada has subsequently revised the IRP to produce the Worker’s Guide to Hand Signals for Directing Vehicles.

The Workers Guide to Hand Signals for Directing Vehicles retains most of the previous content, with some minor amendments for readability and clarity.  Areas of potential confusion have been clarified, and graphical clarity reviewed.

Energy Safety Canada has also reviewed the poster and wallet cards for graphical clarity.


If you have any questions or wish to provide feedback on this document, contact
