DACC IRP Volume #05 - Minimum Wellhead Requirements
June 20, 2018
This document provides an introduction to wellhead components and major variations in wellhead design that are driven by reservoir and well operating considerations and conditions.
Second, it serves as a guide to wellhead implementation, providing recommendations for:
- Assigning responsibilities in wellhead installation, intervention, and maintenance
- Determining wellhead requirements
- Installing and protecting wellheads
- Intervention operations
- Monitoring and maintaining wellheads
- Maintaining wellheads on suspended wells
This document covers a range of petroleum industry well types including:
- Flowing wells (Sweet, Sour, Critical Sour and Corrosive)
- Artificial lift wells
- Injection and disposal wells
- Thermal wells
- Cavern storage wells
- Observation wells
Information for Fracturing operations, including the fracture tree, is included.
This document does not include extensive recommendations regarding wellheads for critical sour wells and heavy oil (conventional and thermally stimulated) wells because wellhead requirements for those well types are specifically addressed in IRP Volume 2 Completing and Servicing Critical Sour Wells and IRP Volume 3 In Situ Heavy Oil Operations
Developer: DACC
Sponsor: CAPP
Current Status: Sanctioned June 20, 2018
Comments or suggestion can be submitted via e-mail Safety@EnergySafetyCanada.com.