Update | Alberta Certificate of Recognition Program

November 20, 2023

In 2018, Alberta Partnerships performed an evaluation of the province’s Certificate of Recognition (COR) program. The overarching goals are to enhance accessibility for employers of all sizes, assist COR holders in improving performance, and streamline the certification process for employers.   

Key Updates in the Evaluation Process 

During the evaluation stage, no official decisions have been made to implement changes.  

A Complexity-Based Scalable Audit (CBSA) Working Group was established to address the varied size of employers and the complexities of operations. Still in the research phase, the group is exploring new audit instruments to replace current tools. An information sheet and FAQ document about the CBSA provides further details on the exploration of a new audit instrument.   

The CBSA working group aims to:

  • Improve effectiveness and efficiency of the audit process.
  • Adopt a Plan-Do-Check-Act model in the audit instrument.
  • Incorporate employer complexity and scalability into the audit instrument.
  • Incorporate industry-specific content into the audit instrument.
  • Design the audit to work for small employers and owner-operators.
  • Reinforce the integrity and credibility of the COR program.
  • Form the basis for enhanced COR development. 

Energy Safety Canada is a member of the Certifying Partner Working Group playing an active role in this evaluation stage. If you have any additional questions, you can reach out to Energy Safety Canada directly at 1 800 667 5557 ext. 3  or email CORInfo@EnergySafetyCanada.com.

We appreciate your continued support and engagement as we work towards enhancing the COR program for the benefit of all stakeholders. Stay up to date with the latest OHS news by subscribing here.