September 5, 2023

The Energy Safety Canada new COR Audit Software Tool is now Live and audit registrations can begin. Following is information on the new process to register audits and resource material to guide users.
The new Audit Registration Process
  • Audit registrations are now a 2-part process completed by both the employer and auditor, then submitted to ESC for processing and payment.
  • Employers initiate the audit registration by accessing their My Account then Auditor Portal then Large Employer Registration on ESC’s website. Login is connected to the Employer information in the system, assisting with data accuracy and convenience of auto-populating fields.
  • Audit registration for employers is completed in eight steps and auditors are notified to finish the registration with further information.
  • Auditors provide additional audit details including site and interview sampling when completing their portion of the audit registration.
Employer Registration How-to Resources
Please review the following recorded information session or procedure to walk you through how to initiate Audit Registration.   Auditors will receive a separate email with information on finishing the registration and use of the tool.