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76 Records found
March 28, 2024
Five Principles of Human and Organizational Performance
Human and Organizational Performance (HOP) is a science-based approach focused on understanding how humans perform within complex systems and organizations. It's based on the inevitability of error as a natural part of human behaviour and how errors are symptoms of deeper issues within organizational and operational systems.

file-icon 04-2024-Safety-Bulletin-Five-Principles-of-HOP.pdf
February 21, 2024
Lithium Batteries in the Energy Sector | Issue 03-2024
As the energy industry is growing and diversifying, so are its needs—and lithium batteries meet many of them. Their high energy density provides larger and longer-lasting amounts of energy than other batteries. Despite their common use in various consumer and industry products, lithium batteries still pose several hazards, primarily fires and explosions.

file-icon 03-2024-Safety-Bulletin-Lithium-Batteries.pdf