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Lease Lighting Guideline

The guideline focuses on outdoor lighting requirements for mobilization and demobilization of drilling equipment on a lease site, ancillary drilling activities and lease site servicing operations. The intent of this guideline is to clarify roles and responsibilities, assist operators and contractors with determining minimum lighting requirements, and improve the safety and security of people and property on lease sites.

April 11, 2022

The intent of this guideline is to:

  • Clarify roles and responsibilities for lighting on leases.
  • Assist operators and contractors with determining minimum lighting requirements for work activities on the lease.
  • Improve the safety and security of people and property on lease sites by increasing the attention paid to outdoor lighting.

The document assumes that lighting is only required in areas where operational activities and the movement of people and/or equipment take place during the hours of darkness.

It is not intended to address the lighting requirements for activities that occur on the rig floor or in indoor structures or shacks. It also does not include activities related to road and lease construction or reclamation.

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